Introduction into second year...
Reflective Journal:
Here is a recap of the first month back at university.
Week 10: First week back!
River Island is our brand for our menswear project! They are a very well established brand and are currently pushing the boundaries with there menswear. Mid-week we had a talk from two of the directors from River Islands, three things were clear: they are trying to widen there target audience, interested in tailoring and muscle fit t-shirts will always be a best seller.
I researched into the idea of neurone science and brain development. But the strongest contender of ideas within our group was towards mountain climbers and the protect gear they wear. This idea came from one of the members in my group visiting the grand canyon during the summer where she saw people climb crevasses of the canyon where inspired the idea of looking into mountain/ rock climbing.
Week 11: Settling into our group. During this week we created mood boards and researched into designers, brands and current exhibitions.
Main ideas were:
rocking climbing components e.g clips, rope and metal loops.

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